Free Reverse Phone Number Lookup for Cell Phones: Myth


If you have been searching for a resource providing completely free reverse phone number look up for a cell phone number, you are probably exhausted and still don't have the information you need. Even if you perused through numerous web based articles on the subject, just praying that someone would fill you in on that secret website, I am positive you didn't find what you were searching for.

This is because there is no hidden website. If completely free cell phone reverse lookup was out there, it wouldn't be hard to discover because it would be spread by word of mouth over night. This is a service in hot demand since cell phone numbers are not stored in the same manner as landline numbers.

displaying all listed cell phone numbers in a publically accessible directory would make life simpler when you want to discover exactly who is calling you, but it would also take away some of the attraction of a cell phone. There is a level of security knowing that a telemarketer can't just dial your cell number and start calling nonstop.

Articles and other internet resources offering free reverse phone look up for cell phone numbers usually rely on ideas that actually are not effective and rarely, if ever, provide the useful information you want. Following their advice will be a huge waste of time, and here is why.

Myth #1: Using Search Engines

Some sources recommend going to Google or any other internet search engine and quickly searching for the phone number in question. This is rumored to direct you to sites where the listed owner of that cell phone number has stored their personal details, which may include the cell phone number. The drawback is very few people post their cell phone number on the internet for the very same reason most people would rather it not be posted in a directory for the general public: they don't want random people calling their cell phone.

It is often believed that these numbers may be collected from auction sites such as EBay or shopping sites where the person may have made a purchase, but this is quite useless to your situation. These sites do not openly reveal personal information used to make a purchase, otherwise no one would purchase from them online. When you buy an item online, such as Ebay, you use a protected site where your information is not open to public viewing. A search engine is not going to search the personal information of a shopping source and find a cell phone number. It simply doesn't work like that.

Also, you cannot retrieve someone's personal information from a phone number stored EBay, and even if you could the most benefit it would provide you is a screen name, which is likely to be just as informative as the phone number you already have.

Myth #2: Online Phone Directories

If you could go to or other phone listings and identify personal information only from a cell number then there wouldn't be such a high demand for cell phone number reverse lookup services. Anyone advising you to type in a cell phone number at these common sites in attempt to access the cell phone owner is throwing away space and time. Enough said.

The only effective way to retrieve the name connected with that number that has you curious is to pay a small price to a trustworthy reverse phone lookup directory. Some services may require a very nominal fee to access the service for one lookup, while others may grant you access to an endless number of lookups. No matter what you get for your money, the fee should be rather small with a legitimate service.