Joseph reported 618-318-7676 as a Unknown
6183187676 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Carbondale, IL, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Jul 5th 2017 - 06:34:20pm
they call me all times of day and at least 6-8 times each day. I accidentally answered and the lady sounded real, when I tried to tell her not to call, she talked thru me. I realized it is a recording. "She" states that since I've used their travel svcs before I might be interested...
I have never used a travel service, ever. I never travel. Period.
ticketman reported 618-979-3096 as a Scammer/Fraudster
6189793096 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Collinsville, IL, Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: Jun 27th 2016 - 03:25:29pm
this is a very foul mouthed ticket re-seller in the St. Louis area. He is extremely rude and sends out very foul language'd text messages. F-bombs all the time. Should be banned from texting!!
Maynard reported 618-210-5058 as a Unknown
6182105058 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Collinsville, IL, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Jan 30th 2016 - 06:54:37pm
called numbers of mine, my boyfriend and 2 close friends of mine, threatening to kick our a**. Also threatened to set us up with something 'illegal' and then call the police to have us arrested.
wrwrw reported 618-717-2067 as a Prank Caller
6187172067 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Saint Louis, MO, Caller Reported as: Prank Caller
Complaint Filed: Jul 22th 2010 - 10:58:46pm
quit callin me
ihuhiou reported 618-717-2067 as a Prank Caller
6187172067 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Saint Louis, MO, Caller Reported as: Prank Caller
Complaint Filed: Jul 22th 2010 - 10:58:14pm
quit callin mw