Mary reported 617-575-9673 as a Unknown
6175759673 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Cambridge, MA, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Sep 12th 2023 - 10:08:44pm
The owner of this number is a great guy. I wish I had stayed with him. Maybe he will see this someday and take me back.
gold reported 617-372-9116 as a Unknown
6173729116 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Boston, MA, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Jun 12th 2015 - 11:47:14pm
call our a scam no.617 372 9116@617 702 8013 @617 702 8012@617 702 8306
B Called reported 617-088-8451 as a Scammer/Fraudster
6170888451 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: , , Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: Jun 9th 2015 - 07:01:44pm
They called me about a mortgage which they think I have. I don\'t have a mortgage, and told them so before hanging up on them. Still they call me twice a day like clockwork, and although I don\'t answer I find it very annoying. It is a phishing scam.
Pip reported 617-088-8451 as a Scammer/Fraudster
6170888451 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: , , Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: May 20th 2015 - 03:47:40pm
Some phishing scam pretending to call about a mortgage
Den reported 617-842-7255 as a Unknown
6178427255 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Quincy, MA, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Jan 29th 2015 - 04:39:46pm
Wendy is calling at 3am selling Viagra for dis vCard ounted prices.??????