Sarah reported 330-481-7077 as a Scammer/Fraudster
3304817077 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Akron, OH, Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: Nov 19th 2018 - 03:19:55am
Sent via online dating. Was selling herself.
becky reported 330-633-1839 as a Scammer/Fraudster
3306331839 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Akron, OH, Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: Jan 19th 2018 - 06:41:53pm
I haven't had Time Warner for nearly two years but just found a charge from them on my MC statement. Called the number provided for answer just a fast busy signal. The charge was for last month. Don't go into the store, they are clueless.
coondog reported 330-814-2009 as a Telemarketer
3308142009 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Akron, OH, Caller Reported as: Telemarketer
Complaint Filed: Aug 11th 2017 - 04:14:49pm
They call and let the phone ring for 10 minutes plus.I am on the donot call list and the caller pays no attention to the list. SCAM and or ROBO CALL.
susieq reported 330-845-5010 as a Unknown
3308455010 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Massillon, OH, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Jun 5th 2017 - 02:16:03pm
keeps calling - no messages - hangs up
Shack reported 330-839-7348 as a Unknown
3308397348 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Akron, OH, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Apr 21th 2017 - 04:57:48pm
Guy calls me three times at 11:30pm. When I tried to call back multiple times the next day, I never got an answer.
GIana reported 330-809-1289 as a Scammer/Fraudster
3308091289 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Massillon, OH, Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: May 20th 2016 - 05:02:57pm
She is a online scammer \fraud