Carol reported 252-331-5925 as a Unknown
2523315925 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Elizabeth City, NC, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: Apr 18th 2017 - 07:31:39pm
Did not answer.
FED UP reported 252-481-8268 as a Scammer/Fraudster
2524818268 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Greenville, NC, Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: Jun 16th 2016 - 01:50:55pm
Only my closest family and friends have my cell number.I received a recorded message from this number to my cell phone informing me that the IRS was suing me and to return their call. Although I never answer these intrusions, I'm outraged to have my privacy and intelligence violated by these fraudsters. It's outrageous!
BabsNC reported 252-414-7315 as a Unknown
2524147315 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Greenville, NC, Caller Reported as: Unknown
Complaint Filed: May 31th 2016 - 02:51:16pm
Called my cell phone sev. times. No one has my permission to call my private cell except family & doctors offices, friends. Who is this? Called the number back & it was a rapid busy signal.
randy reported 252-341-1394 as a Scammer/Fraudster
2523411394 Complaint Filed, Caller Area: Greenville, NC, Caller Reported as: Scammer/Fraudster
Complaint Filed: Dec 12th 2009 - 08:10:45am
he is also making prank calls acting like he is the police